Life is precious.

Our mission is to be an invaluable partner to our stakeholders.

Who We Are

The desire to make international lifestyles and services accessible to the citizens of Bangladesh has been the common thread that both parent and member companies of Ascent Group have shared over for decades and through several transformations in its identity.


Scholastica & Beyond

In the sun-scorched summer of 1977, an ambitious and determined woman was deep in negotiations over the rent of a two-story building for a school, just off the main road near Dhanmondi Lake.



Mrs. Yasmeen Murshed wanted to call the school "Scholastica": a purposeful response to the need for an organized school-leaving course in Bangladesh using English as the medium of instruction In the 40+ years that have followed, Scholastica has become every bit as special as Mrs. Murshed had envisioned. It is now the largest, most highly-regarded English-medium school in Bangladesh.

The school spawned great prospects along the perimeter of its operations, eventually giving birth to a group of companies. These opportunities have manifested themselves into multiple drivers of growth for the Group, in the retail, technology, design and construction, training, and transportation sectors.



Over three decades, and over several transformations in its identity, the common thread that both parent and member companies have shared is the desire to make international lifestyles and services accessible to the citizens of Bangladesh. 


The introduction of operations in new sectors has created a paradigm shift in the corporate mindset. The entire organization has been consolidated and realigned to a new focus. 



The introduction of operations in new sectors has created a paradigm shift in the corporate mindset. The entire organization has been consolidated and realigned to a new focus.


The common parentage and shared philosophy of Scholastica, Office and Home Solutions, SPEED, Etcetera, Scholastica Transport Services, Printcraft and Imagine Technologies Bangladesh ltd. keep them as close as branches of a giant tree. To render a shared identity to this close-knit group of companies, the Ascent Group was established in 2007..

Corporate Office Address:
House 3D, Road 2A, Block J, Baridhara, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

Phone: +88(02) 8815222-3, 8856018-20, 8819500, 9887277, 8819554
Fax: +88(02) 8813141